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Monday, July 11, 2011

Preparing to go the distance.

You may be asking yourself, how do you prepare for a ride around the world by bicycle.  I am here to answer that question.  This is the answer to the physical side of this question. 
If you have never visited the beautiful state of Pennsylvania I am here to tell you, you are missing out.  This state is one of the best states for training, not much of it is flat.  My intent is to ride as many of these hills as possible until they are just as easy as the flats.
I went out yesterday in the heat and humidity, and what a workout.  If you are up to it, leave me a comment and I would love to have you join me.


  1. Vicky, just reading your home page blew me to bits. You have been through so much, should be defeated, and look at you! Utterly, staggeringly inspiring!

    I love what you're doing, love who you who and cannot wait to follow along!


    PS: I can't leave a comment as Nomadic Chick (I'm on, not, something you might want to change going forward as more & more people follow you. And they WILL follow.


  2. Thanks so much Jeannie. I have been reading your tweets for some time now and also subscribed to your updates. I love the proxy idea.
